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Film Approval Process

All filming must be approved before moving forward. Here are the things you must do to seek approval. Equipment will not be released to you unless you have received approval from the Media Productions Coordinator (Megan Naylor) Reach out to for questions. See information on smaller projects below.

Risk Assessment - Submitted via the submission form below with the script.
Location - You must have either the Off Campus Location Letter/Agreement signed and submitted OR A city Film Permit completed OR confirmation of the Temporary Use of Space for Events Permit for the on campus filming Location. Submit these to the Production Coordinator via the Form below.


Below is how you will submit your items for Filming Approval. A reminder that you must submit a current copy of your script with the Risk Assessment for review to ensure everything is outlined correctly in the Risk Assessment.


Risk Assessments:

​Risk Assessments will need to be signed by the student, supervising faculty as well as the production coordinator in order to be verified. This will happen after review please submit here first:




Location Agreements:

This should be your finalized completed and signed documents.





You will hear back within 3-5 business days about the status of your filming or any issues with your location agreements or risk assessment.


Small Projects

If you are working on a very small project with less than 3 people total on set (Cast and Crew combined)

You do not need to go through the approval process ONLY IF NONE OF THE BELOW STATEMENTS ARE TRUE and  NOT occurring in your film or on your film set. The Media Production Coordinator has a list of projects that are approved to follow this Small Projects process. Always reach out if unsure.

  • 3 or fewer students (including cast and crew)

  • Minimal setups (only 1 location), no large lighting setups

  • NOT filming in sensitive areas such as:

    • In a parking garage​

    • In the humber Kitchens

    • Require a TUSEP permit for booking a space on Campus

    • In a road

  • NOT Filming sensitive content such as:​

    • Any Stunts or physical altercations on screen​

    • Intimacy of any kind

    • Content that could be triggering to cast and crew

If you have any of the above things in your small project you will need to go through the proper channels, i.e. a Risk Assessment may be necessary, and a TUSEP form may need to be completed.

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